Shigeru K I Japan

Shigeru K was born in Tokyo in 1959. In childhood, he saw some comics by Osamu Tezuka and was influenced by him. He was also greatly influenced by his older brother who had the ambition to be an artist and used to draw illustrations and sketches. He was fascinated by the picture of Millet, Andrew Wyeth, Hiroshige Utagawa, and Norman Rockwell. But he had no choice of making his living by becoming an artist. After he graduated from university, he got married, had his family and had worked as a teacher for 30 years. As time passed by and his children got independent and started their own lives, Shigeru made up his mind to take early retirement for being an artist. In his world, the main characters are usually people, daily life, and natural landscapes, all of which are praise for human and nature. Happiness exists in people’s daily life and it is beautiful. People are deeply impressed by the beauty of nature. He wants to express the feeling of happiness and the great impression in his artworks. He illustrates digital pictures with simple colors and a great impact. He believes that, through his artworks, many people can share his happy world with him.
He applied for “The Gift of Chance!” (the supplement to the book “What They Don't Teach You About Becoming an Artist in School” by Arisa Itami) in December 2014. He exhibited in Ouchi Gallery’s 10th 100 artists Exhibition “Tokyo” in June 2015, JCAT SHOWCASE-Group Exhibition- in March 2016, 1st Solo Exhibition in November 2016, Ouchi Gallery’s 11th 100 artists Exhibition “Home” in February 2017, 2nd Solo Exhibition in April 2017 ( in Ouchi Gallery) , The International Biennial of Mantova(Italy) in November 2017 , JCAT SHOWCASE- Group Exhibition “Japanism”- in January 2018 (in One Art Space, NY) and Dolomite Art Fair in February 2018 (Italy). He was awarded the International Prize LEONARDO DA VINCI-the Universal Artist in January 2018 ( in Florence, Italy), the International Prize of NATIONS-Tribute to TIZIANO in March 2018 (in Venice) and the International Prize RAFFAELLO in May 2018 (in Bologna). He exhibited in Rosso Cinabro Gallery (Rome), the International Art Exhibition "Segnalati" (Rome) in July 2018 and JCAT [WE] Summer Exhibition 2018(NY) in August 2018. He was awarded the International Prize CARAVAGGIO (Milano) and exhibited in Amsterdam Whitney Gallery (NY) in December 2018. He was awarded the International Prize Botticelli (Florence) and exhibited in JCAT SHOWCASE "Smiley Exhibition"(NY) in February 2019. He was awarded the International Prize MICHELANGELO(Rome) in July and exhibited in MANTOVA ARTEXPO 2019 in June and Florence Biennale 2019 in October.
Rosso Cinabro Gallery
Shigeru K は1959年東京で生まれた。子供の頃から、手塚治虫などの日本の漫画に触れて育ち、画家を志す兄の影響を受け、自らもイラストやスケッチを描くことを楽しんだ。ミレーやアンドリュー・ワイエス、歌川広重、ノーマン・ロックウェルなどの様々な絵画にも触れ心惹かれた。しかし、大学卒業後すぐに結婚し、家庭を持った彼にとって、アーティストとして生計を立てるという選択はあり得ず、中学校の教師として30年間勤めた。やがて、彼の子供たちも成長し、それぞれの人生を歩み始めたのを機に、かねてからの希望であったアーティストになるために早期退職をした。彼の作品は、人物イラスト、日常の中にあるものをモチーフとしたスケッチに始まり、現在、日常風景や大自然の風景を人物とともに描くデジタルイラストに取り組んでいる。彼の描く世界は、人間讃歌であり、自然讃歌である。人々の日常生活にこそ幸福は存在し美しい。大自然の美しさを前に人々は感動する。それこそが、彼の描く世界の原動力になっている。そして、彼はシンプルな色を好み、インパクトのある作品を創ることによって、多くの人々が彼のハッピーな世界を共有できると信じている。
2014年12月、「学校では教えてくれないアーティストのなり方」(いたみありさ著)の付録にあった「The Gift of Chance!」に応募し、それをきっかけに2015年6月「Ouchi Gallery 10th 100人展」に、2016年3月JCATグループ展、11月個展、2017年2月「Ouchi Gallery 11th 100人展」、4月個展(いずれもニューヨーク・オウチギャラリー)、11月「The International Biennial of Mantova」(イタリア)、2018年1月JCATグループ展(ニューヨーク・One Art Space)、2月「Dolomite Art Fair 2018」(イタリア)に出品した。2018年1月「International Prize LEONARDO DA VINCI –The Universal Artist」受賞(イタリア・フィレンツェ)、3月「The International Prize of NATIONS -Tribute to TIZIANO」受賞(イタリア・ヴェニス)、5月「The International Prize RAFFAELLO」受賞(イタリア・ボローニャ)。7月Rosso Cinabro Gallery および「The International Art Exhibition ”Segnalati" (いずれもローマ)で展示。8月JCAT "We"展(ニューヨーク・Pleiades Gallery)に出品した。12月「The International Prize CARAVAGGIO」受賞 (ミラノ)。Amsterdam Whitney Gallery (ニューヨーク)で展示。2019年2月「The International Prize Botticelli」受賞。JCAT"Smiley展(ニューヨーク・Pleiades Gallery)に出品した。6月「Mantova Artexpo 2019」展示。7月「The International Prize MICHELANGELO」受賞(ローマ)。10月「Florence Biennale 2019」展示(フィレンツェ)。
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